Fornitori di laboratorio con bihilo
Fornitori di dispositivi elettromedicali con bihilo
Trova fornitori di dispositivi medici con BiHilo
Fornitori di dispositivi medici

Valorizza il tuo tempo

Ottimizza la ricerca dei fornitori di dispositivi medici: semplice, efficiente, gratuito

Comunica le tue esigenze: ti metteremo gratuitamente in contatto diretto con le aziende pertinenti

Simplify your search

Perchè usarlo?

Save time

Just specify what you're looking for, and you will be contacted by relevant sales representatives

Soluzioni su misura

Receive solution proposals that precisely meet your clinical and operational needs, reducing the time and energy spent searching for suitable suppliers.

Scelta consapevole

Esplora tutte le alternative disponibili sul mercato, guadagna una comprensione approfondita del mercato dei dispositivi medici per scelte consapevoli e informate

How does it work?


Submit your request
for free

Compila il modulo indicando la tipologia e le specifiche della soluzione desiderata, che sia un servizio, uno strumento o un consumabile.


Wait to be

Inviando la tua richiesta su BiHilo, sarai contattato dalle aziende pertinenti. Successivamente proseguirai autonomamente con trattative e incontri, mantenendo il controllo del processo.


Ascoltiamo il tuo

Al fine di fornire un servizio sempre migliore, BiHilo ti contatterà per raccogliere il tuo feedback sul fornitore e valutare la tua soddisfazione, o per fornirti ulteriore supporto, se necessario.


Using BiHilo is simple and quick; just click on "Submit a request" and fill out the form specifying the solution you are looking for.

You will then be contacted by relevant companies.

You can search for all the tools, consumables, or services dedicated to the diagnostic or research sector, such as solutions for the analysis laboratory.

From all companies that have the solution you are looking for available.

Currently, BiHilo is available as a web app only. However, it may be developed as a mobile application for iOS and Android in the future.

Yes, sending requests for those looking for a product is unlimited and always free.

Submit your request by filling out the required fields in the relevant form, and you will be contacted as soon as possible by companies that have the product you are looking for available.

With BiHilo, you eliminate the need to manually search for manufacturing companies or sales contacts, saving valuable time and avoiding sending requests to companies that do not have the product you are looking for.

Furthermore, BiHilo provides you with a broader perspective on the products available in the market, expanding your options and facilitating a more informed choice.

We are here to assist you. Contact us via email or through the contact form on our website.

We will assist you as soon as possible.

Do you need further information?

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or fill out the appropriate form in the section contacts

Fill out the form to learn more about BiHilo, we will contact you to explain all the features